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作者:赟 来源:贝乐学科英语
  Often want to take the children to the most prosperous foreign countries to see the beautiful scenery,but hard on their English speaking ability is weak,there is no way to achieve effective communication,so I have always wanted to give children an English training class,do not know Shanghai bel subject English day mountain road training center?Actually,before the signing of Bel,I took my kids to many other similar English institutions.
  Many parents want to find a whole day for their children,usually do not have time to take their own time to work with their children,in Shanghai bel discipline English class,but also can include eating fruit eating snacks,eating lunch,why not,even nap on the whole course of the bathroom have a teacher to accompany,not to let a friend to go alone,this is a person It's very reassuring.Life teacher is also very kind to tell us that every time class will tell us that the situation of today's children to sleep and eat is very good,very trust them,the hall will have every class monitoring of class,can be completely relieved.
  In the training center of the English Tianshan Road in Shanghai bel subject,there is an American theme game warm field.Children can speak the name of the small partner in English under the guidance of foreign teachers.Right,here,the children can also make their own textbooks,so that they can make their own editors of teaching materials.If you want to experience the original American textbook and understand American culture in English,then you must come here to take part in the lecture,feel the story of the original version of the word,listen to the charm of the story,and see how the students learn in the form of English test.
  We have already known before the Shanghai bel discipline English language learning organization,when we chose the Changning Tianshan school to participate in the activities,the building on the side of the Changning American school,and later to the training center of Tianshan Road,the hardware is very good.They master the subject of English education,the tuition is of the same kind.In fact,in English learning,parents should focus on the corresponding schools.
  Before the father taught in the home,will teach some letters and words,the child is willing to learn,also said in the home is very good,but to meet strangers in the strange environment is not open,we are very anxious,and later to hear their friends said that their children in Shanghai bel discipline English day mountain training center is good,about The festival and the overall understanding of the class,feel really good,all foreign teachers,and in their hall to see a class of children are particularly lively,and the initiative and foreign teachers greeting,and now we have also been on a period of time,found that children are particularly big,in whatever circumstances,are willing to speak.
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