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作者:赟 来源:贝乐学科英语
  Bel's English kids come to"ice sports class"!If you want to practice skating,it is absolutely necessary to bring a good protective gear.Under the guidance of the coach's patience,Bao Ma Bao Dad brought the cool protective gear to the baby,and the babies immediately turned into ice fairy.With the patience and professional guidance of the coaches,many children can slide on the ice independently.
  Speaking of Bel sports English ice sports class,we must explain for you the purpose and significance of this course.By skating,you can relieve stress and tension,relax your body and easily fall asleep.Through skating fun,you can promote physical and mental health and happiness!Summer vacation is coming.Mom and dad are still hesitating about where to go for the holidays.Now Beal is planning for you.
  Now only 68.88 yuan will have the chance to win the 10 course of value 3200 yuan.You want the bel discipline English sports class also included,everyone participates in,everyone has a prize(participants can enjoy:Bel special gift and value 1088 yuan children photography suite)is!As long as 68.88 yuan will have the opportunity to study the American wonders curriculum together with the bel Lok children,may also shoot the baby baby portrait to the baby~
  Many parents know that early childhood is the best time for children to learn language and the best stage of English Enlightenment,but it is hard to teach and do not know how to teach children to realize English Enlightenment.In the course of the course,parents can imitate and join their own ideas through the content and way of the teacher in the course,so as to achieve a positive guidance to the children's English learning and the language environment and atmosphere.
  Young children are easily distracted.How to catch their children's attention and learn to use them in school?The teachers of the Beijing Bel Shuangjing training center have a good idea.In the class of Bel English,the teacher will prepare the teaching tools in advance in advance,seek fresh and interesting teaching methods and forms in the form of innovative games,let the children play middle school,learn to use,keep them active in the classroom,and let the children enjoy learning English at the same time.Gradually,improve children's English ability.
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