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贝乐英语引导学员进行Close Reading的方法

作者:赟 来源:贝乐学科英语
  提到贝乐英语引导学员进行Close Reading的方法,我们就不得不先介绍一下贝乐所使用的教材,美国原版wonders这套教材是由Macmillan和McGraw-Hill两大教育巨头出版公司共同出版的教科书,是加州教育系统用于课堂教学的主要课本,贝乐将其引入课程体系,就是希望能够将绘本精读这个概念更好地传递给每一位小学员。
  Referring to the method of Close Reading for the students of Bel subject,we have to introduce the textbooks used by Bel first.The original American wonders is a textbook published by the two major publishing companies of Macmillan and McGraw-Hill,the main textbook for the teaching of the California education system.Beckham introduced it into the curriculum system,hoping to convey the concept of picture book intensive reading to every student.
贝乐英语,Close Reading,贝乐英语教材
  Under the latest US common education syllabus,every child has to learn how to read carefully from kindergarten to grade twelve in the basic education stage.Generally speaking,when the children are asked to read,they should learn to ask questions,to study the words and languages,to understand the structure and logic of the story,to analyze the characters,and so on.In Bel subject English,the Chinese primary school members should also have this ability.
贝乐英语,Close Reading,贝乐英语教材
  精读是区别与泛读而言的概念,在英文里叫Close Reading;简单来说,就是把一篇文章读懂、读透。简单来说,孩子精读一本书的时候,会多次阅读,故事情节以外还会注重文字、语言和表达,能带着问题去读,而且能发现文字后的深层含义。贝乐英语相比之下,泛读一本书的时候,常常是读一遍就完,阅读时思想不够集中,只看文字的表面意思,理解深度不够。精读的目的主要还是希望孩子阅读不要囫囵吞枣,而是有方法、有目的地从阅读中获取知识,锻炼自己的思辨能力。
  Intensive reading is the concept of distinction and extensive reading.In English,it is called Close Reading;in brief,it is to read and read an article(or a Book).In a word,when a child reads a book,it will read many times.Besides the plot,it will pay attention to words,languages and expressions.It can be read with questions,and the deep meaning of the text can be found.In comparison with Bel's English,when reading a book,it is often finished.The idea is not concentrated enough to read only the meaning of the words,and the depth of understanding is not enough.The purpose of the intensive reading is to hope that the children should not be allowed to read,but to acquire knowledge from reading and exercise their thinking ability.
  Wonders,the original edition of Bel's English language,fits well with the students'needs for intensive reading with its fine selection of materials and the content of eight doors without flowers.Among them,the contents of language selection are very classic picture books and various reading resources.The children's education experts carefully selected and arranged the step-by-step themes and related learning contents.The resources selected in each grade are arranged according to the mental level and reading level of each age group.The frame is very reasonable.
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