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作者:赟 来源:贝乐学科英语
  It is a helpless current situation in English teaching that we can not apply what we have learned to practical oral communication.Today,we recommend an English training institution to you.It is also a benefit to everyone:0 yuan experience bel music.All outside teaching+immersion English teaching method,OK,you go to experience it!Please dial the toll free hotline 400-601-6869 for details.
  Bel's English discovery,in the end to the end of the greatest impact on English is the 2 reasons:1,no real foreign teaching,no learning foreign language environment;2,only learned the books on the words,but not real English communication.The solution is believed by all parents to report professional English courses to their children.The question comes again.What to choose?In fact,it is very simple:look at whether the family has a complete educational goal,content and teaching methods,and whether the foreign teachers are pure.Bel is well suited to this point and can be seen from the quality of auditions.
  In addition to basic English learning,Bel English will lead our young students to exercise the corresponding sports courses.There is a taekwondo course from 10 to 11:30 in the morning of May 26,2018.The activities are limited to 16 groups of families,because the parents who want to attend are to hurry up.It's going to act.
  为了欢迎小朋友们来参加我们的活动课呢,贝乐英语的外教老师jimmy特地准备了一首Hello Hello song来帮助小朋友们warm up尽快的进入状态。每个小朋友们都在认真的跟着学呢,快看动作多整齐阿。一段愉快的舞蹈过后呢就是我们的flashcard环节啦,今天Jimmy老师要交给大家一些关于party的的单词,比如cake,gift,candles,balloon。Jimmy老师很擅长活跃气氛哦,小朋友们都争先恐后的回答呢。
  In order to welcome the children to participate in our class,Bel English foreign teacher Jimmy specially prepared a Hello Hello song to help the children warm up enter the state as soon as possible.Every kid is following up seriously.Look at how neat the movements are.After a happy dance,it's our flashcard link.Today,teacher Jimmy is going to give you some words about party,such as cake,gift,candles,balloon.Jimmy teacher is very active in the activity atmosphere,and the children are all scrambling for answers.
  为了增加试听课程的趣味性,jimmy老师还将会在闪卡环节增加游戏性,比如说clap the card or jump the card.每个小朋友玩的都可happy了,精神都聚精会神的在听jimmy老师讲课。接下来重头戏来喽,家长和小朋友们都要在脚上绑上一个气球,集合到一起然后试着把除了自己脚上之外的气球踩爆,最后获胜的人会得到小猪佩吉的电风扇玩具哦~没错就是这个“社会人”专用的小风扇啦。
  In order to increase the interest of the auditions course,Jimmy teacher will also increase the game in the flash card link,for example,clap the card or jump the card.every little friend can play happy,and the spirit is concentrated in listening to the Jimmy teacher lecture.Next,the parents and children have to tie a balloon in their feet,gather together and try to push the balloons out of their feet,and the winner will get Peggy's fan toy.
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