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作者:赟 来源:贝乐学科英语
  The Seventh National Baylor children's English Competition preliminary competition has entered the white hot stage.According to statistics,4500 people from Bei Le,Shang,Shen and Xiang in this year are invited to participate.Beck's subject English gained a sense of pride and gratifying feeling.
  In the first half of the Seventh National bel star children's English competition,the small players of the bel English language have been singing the good dance of Min Jie,with great English ability to attract the applause of the parents'judges,and to the climax of the competition.
  瞧!Jack小朋友们毫不怯场的正在全班同学和家长面前,说着“My name is Jack,I am a boy,This is……”。落落大方充满了表现力和自信心,在场的小朋友们也齐声喊着:“You are wonderful!You are wonderful”表演结束后,贝乐英语的外教老师会心一笑,鼓励小朋友“Give me five.”
  Look!Jack children are not afraid of stage fright in front of the whole class and parents.They say"My name is Jack,I am a boy,This is......"Being generous and expressive and confident,the children at the scene also shouted,"You are wonderful!"After the You are wonderful performance,the foreign teacher smiled and encouraged the children to"Give me five."
  After clapping,he entered the question and answer session.Daily communication accumulation,baby smoothly answer,parents next to their children nervous,but also for the wonderful performance of the baby is delighted.More bale College English senior friends brought their small experiments and small inventions to the Seventh National bale children's English competition,and gave a project report to the judges in English,from the preliminary ideas to the first step of the demonstration,to the experiment,the project report,a complete process,Only rigorous thinking has strong support for English expression and project management.
  It is not difficult to see that bel is not only a comprehensive study of English language skills,English speaking ability and English thinking ability,but also the future leadership of the baby's project management ability,public speaking ability and so on.Teachers can give support and encouragement to their children's strengths,but there are shortcomings.The judges can also give professional advice and guidance.
  So far,Bel star has successfully held 6 sessions,and all the bel star competitions have been supported by the majority of students and parents,which is a kind of trust and affirmation for Bel subject English.We believe that with the joint efforts of all of us,this competition will surely achieve fruitful results and lay a more solid foundation for the growth of primary school students.Beckham also believes that with strong English skills and excellent talent shows,you will be able to get a full harvest in the competition.Cheer for the baby!
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