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作者:赟 来源:贝乐学科英语
  Hello~parents and children,guess what activity lesson we have brought to us today?Ha ha,this handsome Sepp teacher has brought us a Fruit activity class.Let's take a look at the content of our activity class.Let's go~
  快看小朋友们做的多整齐阿,首先sepp老师准备了一首“Shake sillies out”的warm up song帮助小朋友们快速的进入状态,有的小朋友有些害羞,不过在老师的引导下很快的就进入了状态,每个小朋友都在很认真的跟着老师的movement。
  See how the children do so neatly,first Sepp teacher prepared a"Shake sillies out"warm up song to help the children to quickly enter the state,some of the children are shy,but under the guidance of the teacher is quickly entered the state,each of the children are seriously following the teacher's movement.
  Next is our flash card.Today,Sepp has handed in some words about fruit,such as banana,apple,pear,grape.The children behaved very well and read aloud along with the teacher.In order to increase the interest of the class teacher in the flash card link added the"cowboy"game,two children back to back in the number of three to the same time,at the same time turn like the opponent"shot"a friend randomly draw a word and read out.
  Next is our fruit bowling link,and the children hit the bottle with the ball,and the fruit that hits the bottle can be rewarded by the stickers.The course of our office part is over,but parents and parents do not walk away.We are part of the cooking class.Parents and children have to make delicious apple pie together to see how seriously they do~~Wow~~~and see our apple pie.
  不知从什么时候开始,贝乐英语就发现生活中随处可见一只粉红色萌萌的小猪。甚至,走在路上都能看见许许多多以它的形象制作的玩偶和人形公仔。后来才发现,原来它是一部来自英国的学前电视动画片,名叫《Peppa Pig》。也许你会发现,身边常常有玩闹的小孩,却总是能够安安静静地坐下来看这部动画片。而很多父母也很乐于让孩子们去观看。一颗童(zhuang)真(nen)的心立刻跳跃了起来,好奇地看完了几季之后,发现它当中诠释的教育理念果然值得宝爸宝妈们借鉴。
  From time to time,I found a pink sprouting pig everywhere in my life.Even on the road,you can see a lot of dolls and figure dolls made of its image.It was discovered later that it was a pre school TV cartoon from the United Kingdom,called Peppa Pig.You may find that there are often playful children around,but you can always sit down and watch this cartoon.Many parents are happy to let their children watch it.A child(Zhuang)really(Nen)heart immediately jump up,after a curious look of a few seasons,it is found that the interpretation of the educational concept is worth the treasure mom and mother to learn.
  尊重孩子的天性,不乱发脾气;引导孩子自主发现潜能;规则不是一成不变的;让孩子体验做“教育”者。而贝乐英语所谓的“全学科”的基本概念就是以英语为基础语言去学习其他各门学科,它是打破了传统英语学习的模式,让孩子用英语思维、英语模式去认知世界。贝乐英语自成立以来就引进美国先进的学科英语教学体系,并结合中国孩子的学习习惯与学习时间安排,取其精华部分:Reading、Math、Science与Social Study,从这四个方面全方位、一体化发展孩子的学科知识,提高孩子的英语能力。
  Respect children's nature,do not lose their temper,guide children to discover potential independently;rules are not static;let children experience"education".The basic concept of the"whole subject",called bel English,is to learn from other subjects in English as the basic language.It breaks the traditional English learning model and lets the children understand the world in English thinking and English patterns.Since its founding,Bel English has introduced the advanced English teaching system in the United States,and combined with the learning habits and time arrangement of Chinese children,taking the essence of Reading,Math,Science and Social Study to develop the children's knowledge in all directions and integration from these four aspects and improve their children's English.Ability.
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