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贝乐互动课堂:Best Buddies-小厨房,大知识

作者:赟 来源:贝乐学科英语
  “Best Buddies”贝乐英语互动课堂又与大家见面啦!丰富的内容、新颖的形式,不仅拓展了课堂以外的知识,还为会员家庭创造了难得的英语亲子时光。
  The English Interactive Class of Bel meets with you again!The rich content and novel form not only expand the knowledge outside the classroom,but also create a rare English parent-child time for members'families.
贝乐英语,贝乐英语互动课堂,Best Buddies
  本次互动课堂内容以Kitchen为主题展开,内容涵盖了厨房用品的名称以及围绕着这些器皿可以做的日常活动。常规课上,我们会通过闪卡、实物展示,白板互动,师生问答等方式初步学习词汇和句型,由易到难,层层递进。然后,我们会进行fun time的游戏环节,个人游戏,分组活动等,在活跃课堂气氛的同时,让贝乐英语的小宝贝们能够掌握复杂的主题词汇和句型,达到整句输入,模仿,自主表达的效果。
  The content of this interactive class is launched on the theme of Kitchen,which covers the names of kitchen utensils and the daily activities that can be done around them.In regular classes,we will learn vocabulary and sentence patterns by flash cards,physical display,whiteboard interaction,teacher-student questions and answers.Then,we will carry out the fun time games,personal games,group activities,and so on.While active classroom atmosphere,the small baby of Bel discipline English can master the complex topic vocabulary and sentence patterns to achieve the effect of the sentence input,imitation,and independent expression.
贝乐英语,贝乐英语互动课堂,Best Buddies
  Teacher Nita is the assistant teacher in Bel's English interaction class.Here,she also wants to say,"I have been troubled by the working season on the eve of graduation.What kind of work is suitable for me and what I want,and I ask myself,what do I like?I thought seriously and seriously.There are three ways I like best:singing,English and children.Singing as a job,directly pass,is too unrealistic.Then I found that children and English can be completely combined,so I decided the direction of children's English,so I came to the bel subject English school,which was taught in one and one outside.
  "I like children.They are simple,kind-hearted and lovely.They are like angels given to every family.That's why I chose this job.When I study with them in the interactive English class in Bel,I also become a child,and I also have simple ideas and good hearts,plus professional learning,and I can know what they think,what they care,what they want to learn,and what degree they are able to master."
贝乐英语,贝乐英语互动课堂,Best Buddies
  Children's growth and progress may sometimes be slow,but they are all valuable.It is a great honor to be able to accompany them in this process.Bel English interactive classroom,let you have such an opportunity!
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