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作者:赟 来源:贝乐学科英语
  The third phase of the English reading training camp has been in progress for third days.During this period,Beckham has witnessed the persistence and hard working habits of the children,which will benefit their children throughout their lives.Learning is a long process of long flowing water,and the formation of a good habit is more valuable.Although we will encounter various problems in this process,we believe that we will strive to overcome and win the final victory.
  Of course,you will also get different surprises!Let's take a look at how babes really read.Parent-child accompany is the best gift for children to grow up.Bel subject English believes that parent-child reading can enhance the children's reading and writing ability,enhance their parents'feelings,promote language development,learn to think independently,and develop reading habits.Through reading,children can also broaden their horizons,cultivate their sentiments and improve their temperament.Reading is a kind of life enjoyment,and it should also become a habit of life.Reading is also a literacy education for children.Good reading habits will benefit children all their lives.
  近日,贝乐英语上海天山路培训中心,迎来来了一群“小精灵”。他们拿起五颜六色的画笔,走进贝乐创意世界。瞧!有的宝贝认真地画画,有的宝贝在做最喜欢的蜻蜓DIY,有的做创意CUP,绘制过程中,外教老师融入互动教学,问道:“What‘s your favourite color?”"purple,a purple dragonfly"“My favourite color is red!”孩子们争先恐后地回答道!
  Recently,a group of"little elves"came to Shanghai Tianshan Road training center.They picked up colorful brushes and entered the creative world of Baylor.Look!Some baby carefully painted,some baby in the most favorite dragonfly DIY,some creative CUP,drawing process,foreign teachers into the interactive teaching,asked:"What's your favourite color?""Purple,a Purple Dragonfly","My favourite color is red!"The children were fighting back!
  The child's fantastic ideas and gorgeous colors collide with countless miraculous sparks.A baby pinched the dragonfly into the shape of ice cream and made everyone laugh.Some precious precious little lions,beautiful mermaid,naughty sunflower painting to the cup,looking at his own creative works,really full of achievement!
  A happy and full day has been spent with my parents and Beal's foreign teacher.Let's take a group photo together to record this wonderful day.Learning can be a happy thing.Children play middle school and learn to use it.Like creative painting,it can not only stimulate the creative thinking and hands-on ability of the baby,but also interact with teachers in foreign teachers to review the words and sentences of color.
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