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作者:赟 来源:贝乐学科英语
  In my mind,there is always a doubt that bel language or wonders teaching method is suitable for children in kindergartens.My baby is 3 and a half year old male child,based in general,after the test can start from PK1 2/3,going to kindergarten learning PK2,K level,a new concept of SBS system in turn start,Baba Ma Ma limited capacity,can do is to help children to read English books or studying,the English exchange no,in the hope that the organization led by lay foundation to strengthen the self splicing,heard,develop a reading habit,cultivate the sense of language.
  On the one hand,the family followed the organization and strengthened the reading and picture books of Hyneman,Oxford tree and Landon.Do you know if such a path is appropriate?The fancy bestlearning English hand feel textbook and immersion English,there is listen to the course consultant review after class caught quite tight,will give parents review video,require children weekly homework,feeling very good management,have a school year please Beilejia makeup after the four is not too small this,you can talk about?
  我觉得英语都是靠家长的,贝乐英语强调的是整句输出,我们现在是PK2快结束了,要求retell故事和开始默单词了,我女儿上完课回到家可以按照老师的要求把故事复述出来,但班里不是每个小朋友都能做到,主要还是看父母抓紧不。Today was her lucky day.She was late for the bus.But the bus was late,too.So she didn't miss her bus.She was late for work.But her boss was late,too.So her boss didn't know that she was late.She didn't have any cash for lunch.But her friend had a two-for-one lunch coupon.So she got a free lunch.Her boss was feeling a little sick.He told everyone to take the afternoon off.She went to the park.
  I grew up in a small town where the elementary school was a ten-minute walk from my house and in an age not so long ago,when children could go home for lunch and find their mothers waiting.A green piece of paper was under the park bench.She picked it up.It was a$5 bill.She looked around.Where did the money come from?There was no one around.She was the only one in the park.
  Wonders依然保持了原教材Treasures的“主题阅读”以及“拓展阅读”形式。的编写团队、丰富的阅读选材、饶有兴趣的获奖文学作品、精美的美工设计。除此之外,Wonders在可阅读的文章数量上有了明显的增加,这让学生们能够获取更多的故事内容以及相关学科知识。Wonders分为两大核心部分:语文精读(Reading/Writing Workshop)以及文学精萃(Literature Anthology)。精读课本保留在自然拼读、词汇练习的基础上,增加了语法、主题写作以及阅读理解与技巧讲解的部分;文学精萃课本则为原汁原味美国文学作品的合集,包括了诗歌、短篇小说、说明文等众多获奖题材。更多详情欢迎拨打免费咨询热线400-601-6869至贝乐英语进行课程的咨询与教学方法的体验!
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