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作者:赟 来源:贝乐学科英语
  The children's English training institutions in Beijing are numerous,so many want to give children the English class parents pick hualiaoyan.But in fact,the good institutions are the few.How about Beijing bestlearning English Xuanwumen Fuzhuo center?Friends on the weekend to participate in the experience lesson,feedback that the place is very good to find,business building two level escalator is,the front desk is not too big,the classroom and office is not allowed to enter,the management is very strict.
  To the class,bestlearning English teacher will advance out of Beijing led the children to learn,parents can follow the trial class,class is in the United States are their children,teachers,and children play very well,and the class atmosphere is also very easy to teach,teach do some let the children imitate,very professional!
  The Enlightenment of language learning is very important,Beijing bestlearning English Xuanwumen Fuzhuo center in children English education as the domestic good,good reputation.Before signing up,we have also tried a lot of other institutions,this is a cost-effective.The accent of foreign teachers is very positive.They are basically American language families.They are also very conscientious and responsible.The ROP and Michael we experienced are excellent teachers.Their children are very young,and they are very patient with their children.The children progressed rapidly,professional education and life home abruptly teach vocabulary feeling now almost caught up with me.
  Beijing bel College English teacher is more responsible,but maybe it also needs luck.Our male foreign teacher is very fat,lively,and can not speak children.He is very patient and teaching.In contrast China TA Phoebe is very general,she is a music player,a point of no other effect,did not play the role of teaching assistants may assist,wages are very low,after all,Chinese people are doing many things get much money.But listening to other children's mothers said their teaching assistants were very different,leaving WeChat homework and communicating well with their parents.So it still depends on luck!
  There are parents feedback like bestlearning English Futuris Huan shop consultant,good people,enthusiasm,a problem solving is responsible for active communication!I heard that it was a pure foreign class,so I took the children to come to see it.The baby is 4 years old,6 months,the PK1 level of listening.The foreign teacher is a Canadian male teacher.He has a good personality and is very active.He also has a middle school teaching with foreign teachers in class,and manages the discipline.It's good to listen to the whole,the main kids like it,especially when they get magic.Listening to the course teacher introduced the teaching materials and the whole system,I rather value the whole process of learning,so it is also more interested.
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