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作者:赟 来源:贝乐学科英语
  The choice of a child English training organization,in addition to the appropriate selection of the campus and geographical location,the price and word of mouth are very important judgment factors.A few days ago,someone asked online about Qingdao behlk,Hainan Wan Bang training center.Actually,my baby started learning from Hainan Airlines and started at K level.The school also yanerdao road when sign up there,seemingly close to the$15000 tuition containing books/year.
  If this and everyone said it is very abstract,we can change a way to introduce Qingdao bestlearning English price:Eleven each class of two children,in a week two classes,each class consists of two classes,about 45 minutes/class,each class A+A in teaching.Multimedia teaching,textbook books,a grade can be upgraded.There are many children,from 35 to junior high school.Each class has its own WeChat group.After class,the teacher will send the courseware of this lesson to the group,let the child go home for review.Teachers will also make regular calls to treasure mom and dad to communicate,finish a book and have a closing test.Most foreign teachers are in North America and Europe,and their pronunciation is more formal.
  The children study here for more than a year,because before coming to Qingdao bestlearning English training center in Hainan Wanbang not learned,so some will have some basis,present pronunciation is still relatively positive,the number of words is not so bad,is also very strong interest because with teachers and friends it is very harmonious.In fact,if there is no foreign teacher,I will continue to let her learn,but at the moment,the school seems to have no way to solve this situation.Our parents can only wait and delay.So after the end of this semester,we'll think about it again!
  Qingdao bestlearning English curriculum is the phonics,and original textbooks in the United States,in fact,is very good.But one point is the students too much,the child is very small,on Restroom to line up,hold,and students to more than two years,at least to the junior middle school students,feel the age difference is too large we are introduced by a friend to teach a child,age,we began to think that is age a small child,but to see that many classes of junior high school students.The price is good,that is,the number of 12 people in the class can be less.
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