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作者:赟 来源:贝乐学科英语
  Since bel English has launched a summer camp in the United States,a summer class on the theme of environmental protection.We often find that their children over the first grade will lead them to explore the survival of the animals in the African grassland and the tropical rainforests of South America.In the exhibition of children's books to see the famous textbook after the first experience of the Xuhui campus,was also a small baby.Later,we moved to Pudong to come to this experience,and the other organizations had experienced three or four other organizations.
  Finally,he chose Bel's all day class.The first professional teaching materials,the teaching system that is worth to go down,unlike some institutions to leaflet or self second teacher has put all sorts of things together;North American teacher qualifications,not yourself after induction training.Although there are still many aspects of the campus,there is still room for promotion,but I still believe in one point.
  前面试听过几个少儿英语机构,果断选择贝乐,离家近,环境好,而且教室空间大。销售和班级老师都很好。销售是coco,前面很用心帮忙安排插班上课,老师是olly,超级喜欢她,人很热情,定期会打电话和家长详细沟通孩子的上课情况及需要重点强化的地方。孩子非常期盼每周一次的英语课,开开心心去开开心心回,吃的也很好,总之就是大大的好评。尤其给两位老师五星好评!外教老师是Caleb Alonso,感觉很热情开朗,孩子们也很喜欢。娃学了4个月了,日常生活中经常会习惯性的说英文,虽然句子说的还不太好,但词汇量越来越多了,主要是养成了学习英文的习惯,就和学说话一样,完全没负担。有这些老师带着孩子参加夏令营的活动,我真的是再放心不过了。
  everal children's English institutions have been tried in front of them.Finally,they choose Bel,close to home,and have a good environment,and the classroom space is big.The sales and class teachers are good.Sales is coco,in front of the heart to help arrange the placement class,teacher is olly,she is super love,people are very warm,regularly call and communication with parents and children attending the need to focus on strengthening the place.The child is looking forward to the English class once a week,to open heart and heart,to eat well.In a word,it is a great praise.Especially to two teachers,five stars!The foreign teacher is Caleb Alonso,feel very warm and cheerful,children are also very love.The baby has been learning for 4 months,and often used to speak English in daily life,though the sentence is not very good,but the vocabulary is more and more.With these teachers taking their children to summer camp,I was really relieved.
  Bestlearning English,follow the happy education,love to love yu education purpose,with interesting inspire children's interest in learning,shaping the health of children with love and personality,in the United States,qualification of teachers,the authority of examination evaluation,the synchronous teaching materials teaching system,the United States K12 and caring team,to provide satisfactory caring the English summer camp full service for parents and children.
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